Year 11 GCSE Exam Arrangements - Tuesday 11th June 2024


10th June 2023


Dear Parent/Carer

Year 11 GCSE Exam Arrangements – Tuesday 11th June 2024

Thank you for your continued support of our work with Year 11 students during their current GCSE examinations. Students have continued to work hard within school and have accessed the extensive support that we have provided over the last three weeks.

We have now reached a point where year 11 students, as from Tuesday 11th June 2024, will be granted study leave and will now only need to attend school for revision sessions and examinations. We will also be making the ‘Library’ available to any student that continues to work in school and for all students who continue to access our school transport.

The following arrangements will be in place until the completion of examinations (Wednesday 19th June):

•             Students must continue to attend school in their full uniform.

•             For morning examinations or revision sessions students should attend form time and line up as normal with their form tutors.

•             Where students leave site or arrive late to school for examinations they must sign in/out via the attendance team.


Please can I ask that where students have school allocated books and other resources these are returned to the school library at the earliest convenience but before Wednesday 19th June.

Please be aware that we are intending to have an on-site GCSE Exam results morning on Thursday 22nd August. Timings and arrangements for this event will be communicated in due course.


Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Ms P Hammond

