What do I do if my child is poorly?
Telephone the school absence line and leave a message on the day of each absence.
Full instructions here
What should my child do if they are late to school?
If late, students should sign in at the Attendance Office before going to their lesson.
Who do I contact if my child is unable to complete their homework?
Telephone or email your child’s subject teacher.
When do I need to contact my child’s Form Tutor?
Contact your child’s Form Tutor for individual queries or Heads of Year for wider queries about progress of your child in general.
How do I find out about upcoming events?
Log onto the school’s website to access the school calendar or check the school newsletter (The Campion Way).
What do I do if my child has lost their PE kit?
Contact your child’s Form Tutor or PE teacher so that a search can be organised.
Who do I contact if I believe my child is being bullied?
Contact your child’s Form Tutor urgently in the first instance so that the alleged bullying can be investigated as a priority.
Who do I contact about uniform?
Uniform can be ordered online. Please visit our dedicated uniform page for full information. If your child has a problem with their existing uniform, please speak to their form tutor.
How do I check how much homework my child should be receiving?
In Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8) students should receive at least one piece per week per subject. Exact amounts vary and more details can be found from the subject. In Key Stage 4 students receive regular homework from all subjects and should be receiving at least one piece per week per subject studied. Much of Key Stage 4 homework will include revision.
How do I find out about exams?
Examination information can be found on the school website. For specific enquires, contact Mrs Karen Jones our Examinations Officer K.Jones@campionschool.org.uk
How do I find out about controlled assessments?
General information on controlled assessments can be found on the school’s website. For more specific information, contact your child’s subject teacher.
Who do I contact if I believe my child is struggling with their work?
Contact your child’s Form Tutor or subject teacher if it is a specific subject.
Who should I contact for financial support for trips?
Contact Mrs Harrison in the Finance Office s.harrison@campionschool.org.uk
How do I become a member of the Parent Forum?
Check the website for dates of meetings and turn up! Alternatively, contact Mrs Bradley-Smith on K.Bradley@campionschool.org.uk
Who do I contact at school with regard to a safeguarding issue?
Please contact Mrs Sharon Hammond at school s.hammond@campionschool.org.uk or call school 01604 833900 and ask for Mrs Hammond (if she is unavailable ask for Mr S King). Alternatively, if you prefer, contact our Safeguarding Governor who is Mrs Bally Sandhu via csoffice@campionschool.org.uk or B.Sandhu@campionschool.org.uk