We are looking to appoint new governors at Campion


Campion’s Local Governing Body (LGB) was formed from the previous Board of Trustees when we joined United Learning in September 2023.

The LGB consists of 2 parent and 1 staff governors, 6 or so other governors and the Headteacher. The LGB meets 6 times per year. Much of the work of the LGB is done outside of the meeting with individual governors attending school events, meeting with senior staff, students, parents and staff.  We run an induction programme to support those new to governance at Campion.

We are looking to appoint new governors at Campion.  If you have an interest in finance or sustainability, great, but I find its more about character, interests and commitment than specific qualifications. So, if you are interested – let’s have a chat.

Being a governor, whilst voluntary, can be hugely rewarding and enjoyable. Our LGB meets twice a term for approximately 2 hours.  Three of these meetings are on a Tuesday at 9.15-11.15am which allows us to see the school in action, the remaining three are Wednesdays 6-8pm. We do this in person at school, using Teams occasionally for urgent business. We normally play a part in the life of the school and each governor is expected to make one visit to school each term and to share the role of attending school events such as parents’ evenings with other governors. We also need occasional availability to sit on panels such as behaviour panels, during working hours. United Learning runs a comprehensive online governor training programme. You will also have an induction programme run by Campion LGB to enable you to familiarise yourself with Campion.

Individual governors are nominated by the LGB to oversee a specific area of focus, for example special education needs, careers, safeguarding.

Annually our LGB members undertake an audit to review the skills and experience of our existing governors. A great LGB has individuals who have lots of different skills so that all aspects of our responsibilities can be effectively covered.

United Learning is a multi-academy trust committed to providing excellent education through which all pupils are able to progress, achieve and go on to succeed in life. Our approach is underpinned by a sense of moral purpose and commitment to doing what is right for children and young people, supporting colleagues to achieve excellence and acting with integrity in all dealings within and beyond the organisation, in the interests of young people everywhere. We summarise this ethos as ‘the best in everyone’.

The first step to finding out more is an informal chat with the Chair – this can be in person or on Teams. This helps prospective governors to decide if the role is something that is of interest and to understand the expectation and rewards that being a governor brings.

The formal recruitment process involves meeting with the chair and headteacher and visiting the school during its working day. We will also ask you to complete a skills audit and submit either a CV or biography and 2-character references. Governors are appointed for a three-year term which can be extended.

If you are interested in joining us or curious to know whether your experiences are what we are looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing  H.ward1@campionschool.org.uk

Best Wishes


Pamela Hutchison
Chair of Governors.
