Change to our Behaviour Policy from this September


23rd July 2024

Dear Parent/Carer

I am writing to inform you of a change to our Behaviour Policy from this September. Students in Years 7 to 11 will no longer be permitted to use their mobile phone on the school site at any time of the day. Sixth form students will be allowed to use mobile phones in the Sixth Form Centre only or in lessons where the teacher has permitted usage to support learning.

This change to the school Behaviour Policy is to support disruption free learning across the school and evidenced by recent Department for Education guidance Mobile Phones in Schools, which states that:

"The use of mobile phone in schools leads to distraction and disruption and can exacerbate misbehaviour and bullying. Without the disruption mobile phones cause, school staff can spend more time teaching and supporting pupils."

The school recognises the importance of mobile phones in society and realises that parents/carers may wish their children to carry mobile phones for reasons of safety and convenience in communication on route to and from school. Therefore students can be in possession of mobile phones which can be kept in bags and not seen or heard.

If the mobile phone is seen or heard on the school site at any time, students will be asked to turn their mobile phone off/on silent and it will be confiscated and a C3 issued. Confiscated mobile phones will be returned to students at the end of the day.


Where students argue about handing over their mobile phone a call will be made to the parent/carer to notify you and a time arranged for when you are able to collect the mobile phone. Please note we will not return the mobile phone to your child in this

instance. Students who refuse to hand the mobile phone over to a member of staff will be isolated for the rest of the day and a suspension considered for defiance.

Your child can be given access by staff to a phone to contact home in the event of an emergency or circumstances that this would be deemed appropriate by staff. We will ensure that any important messages are relayed to your child through the day if you leave a message with reception.

The school appreciates your support in upholding this change to the Behaviour Policy by not contacting your child directly during the school day. Exceptions will be made for those students with serious medical conditions who are monitored remotely by their parent/carer and may require direct communication through the school day.

Yours sincerely

Mr S Taylor
Senior Deputy Headteacher
